Thursday, February 10, 2011

Internal Video for Red Bull + New Equipment

Just finished an internal video for Red Bull USA.  It was my first video for a commercial client, and they were very satisfied with the results.  It definitely opened the doors for plenty of future business with them.  This being said, I decided to go pick up some video equipment to help make my videos look even more professional.

I am currently shooting video with my Canon 5D Mark II DSLR which also shoots HD video as most of you may know already.  I was handholding the camera in the project for Red Bull which definitely made everything more difficult including pulling focus as well as general pans and tilts.

I picked up a Redrock Micro Eyespy Deluxe Bundle for shooting video on the run adding stability to my system.  For more fluid pans, I picked up a Manfrotto 503HDV fluid head for shooting with a tripod.

I'm definitely still learning more and more as I self teach myself everything, from the shooting side of things all the way to the editing in Final Cut Pro.  Everything has already paid off with 2 additional jobs in the works as we speak as well.


Friday, January 21, 2011

First Official Test Shoot with Ford Models

Photo courtesy of
I've been spending the past couple of days getting ready for my first official test shoot with Ford Models this Sunday, January 23rd at my studio.  The model to be shot is Maria Montgomery, Ford Model in Chicago, Miss Kentucky 2009, and fourth runner up for Miss USA.  My team will consist of Jenna Baltes of On Edge Beauty doing hair and makeup, and Eve Rydberg handling the wardrobe styling.  We will be doing some clean, natural beauty shots in the studio.  Assisting me will be my regular photography assistant and long-time friend, Daniel Tisue.  I look forward to the shoot, and hope that it begins a great relationship with Ford!


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Check out the lovely ladies of Spy Bar in their 2011 calendar. Images added to under the glamour section. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Newly updated website for 2011!!

The Inception

It is the beginning of 2011 and I feel that it is finally time for me to start a photography blog. I have always wanted to, but never really found the time to. I still probably do not have the time to, but I will make sure that I start making the time to.

I am at a point in my photography career where everything is starting to take off while I still attempt to juggle another full-time job as director of promotions for Sound-Bar located in Chicago. While at times the two jobs conflict with each other, it does allow for me to live in the lifestyle I enjoy to live in comfortably while building my photography business.

This blog will be my way of documenting new work from here on out, reflecting back on past work, and to share different techniques and tutorials as well. I hope everybody enjoys it! Considering, I thought the best first picture to post to my blog was one of the first that I ever created while I was in school.
