Thursday, February 10, 2011

Internal Video for Red Bull + New Equipment

Just finished an internal video for Red Bull USA.  It was my first video for a commercial client, and they were very satisfied with the results.  It definitely opened the doors for plenty of future business with them.  This being said, I decided to go pick up some video equipment to help make my videos look even more professional.

I am currently shooting video with my Canon 5D Mark II DSLR which also shoots HD video as most of you may know already.  I was handholding the camera in the project for Red Bull which definitely made everything more difficult including pulling focus as well as general pans and tilts.

I picked up a Redrock Micro Eyespy Deluxe Bundle for shooting video on the run adding stability to my system.  For more fluid pans, I picked up a Manfrotto 503HDV fluid head for shooting with a tripod.

I'm definitely still learning more and more as I self teach myself everything, from the shooting side of things all the way to the editing in Final Cut Pro.  Everything has already paid off with 2 additional jobs in the works as we speak as well.
